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What is ceremonial cacao?

Ceremonial Cacao is 100% massa of the highest quality. Each step of the process, planting the trees, harvesting the fruit, fermentation, drying, toasting and peeling, alchemizes the cacao to a state reaching its greatest medicinal effect on the body. Infused with loving intentions all along the way into your hands, allowing you to feel the love in every sip.

Moreover this cacao comes from genetic strains that come from the same lineages of the Mayans who initiated the culture of cacao ceremonies.

What is the difference to powder?

Cacao powder doesn’t contain the healthy cacao butter anymore. Essential fats to transport the nutritions into the body. The cacao butter is a loved product for the skin care industry for its super hydrating and nourishing elements. Moreover is powder often alkanalized to neutralize its acidity and bitterness. Moreover it’s an industrialized product going through machines and much more processes.

Cacao massa is a single ingredient product that undergoes handcrafted processing and is a 100% pure.

How to best store the cacao?

It is advised to store it cool and dry. Room temperature is normally perfect. Like this it can stay good for at least a year normally even much longer, yet I believe it will be enjoyed long before that.

Keeping it in the refrigerator is not advisable because of potential water condensation which might cause the cacao to turn bad.

If at some point you notice a fatty white substance on the surface of your cacao, fear not! This is only the cacao butter blooming which is completely natural.

What are contra indications?/Side effects?

It is not recommended to not drink cacao if you have any heart issues, as heart rate and blood circulation is increased.

If you take MAOi/SSRI based antidepressants there can be contraindications with cacao. Cacao also contains MOAi which inhibit the reintake of serotonin and can cause headaches. Cacao is already a natural anti-depressant.

When you are pregnant it is advisable to lower the dose and only in the last month go up with the cacao dose. The cacao works as a stimulant and can be just as coffee to invigorating for the baby.

Moreover can a larger dose of cacao be heavy for your stomach, depending on your sensitivity.

In all cases it is advisable to listen to your body and in case of doubt check with your doctor.

What is the self life of the cacao?

If the cacao is stored the right way it can stay good for a very long time.

It can stay good for at least a year normally even much longer, yet I believe it will be enjoyed long before that.

What happens when my dog eats the cacao?

Just as chocolate is known to cause fatality to canines, so does cacao. Cacao contains compounds that canines do not have the enzymes to break down. Keep your cacao far away from your dog’s reach both for storing and especially during ceremony.

If your dog does ingest cacao, we recommend inducing the dog’s vomiting through ingesting hydrogen peroxide or taking your animal to a health clinic immediately.