When I quit my job in 2015, I had worked 7 years in the Consumer Product Industry. Doing a job that I enjoyed and I was good at but one that never really truly fulfilled me. When I left on my world trip, I went on a quest to follow my heart and to discover what brings me joy. It was a journey deeper to myself, moving from my head to my heart.
It took several attempts to find my own expression of my gifts and how I want to share these with the world. I will be forever grateful for the reflections that I received on my path. The clarity that unfolded and brought me step by step onto my own authentic direction and expression. Experiencing the more concrete I got the more space I created for my field of resonance.
Giving all that I do my very own unique definition. Not needing to align with job descriptions and titles. But allowing it to just become ME as who I am.
I deeply believe it is time for us more than ever to step into our own unique light and follow your authentic calling. To really express what is alive within our hearts. And let us be honest it is often not the easiest path to follow the subtle voice of the heart.
It requires courage. Yet I believe knowing your why, your essence, your purpose will give all the support you need to go out there even more brightly, share more of yourself and reach more people simply by being who you are.
The Essence Mentorship for conscious entrepreneurs came into expression as I would like to support you to receive clarity on your heart compass. Aligning your path with your inner calling, your essence, your purpose, your why! Together bringing clarity and direction into your offerings.
And this MENTORSHIP is as unique as MY own path and as authentic to YOUR path.
Together we will stand still with the momentum of your heart, listen closely and feel what brings you the most joy, what makes you most alive. And from this foundation we will define the most purposeful embodiment in your offerings. As from here the earth will create the movement in the direction of your heart.
Making more aligned choices, in the name of your heart
Choosing more of what will bring you joy, love your path
Balancing rational and heart choices
A redefined and aligned offering of your gifts
An essence statement for your guidance
Clarity on your heart compass
“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It is why you where born and how you become most truly alive.”
gain clarity on your essence
make more aligned choices
position yourself with your hearts essence and purpose
gain reflection on your strength and motivation
serve the world
(re)define your offerings
4 one on one mentorship sessions of 1,5h
Supported by the guidance of cacao (we share a cacao as opening to every session)
A written summary of every session
Homework / Reflection tasks after every session
WhatsApp contact
Your unique purpose statement - your why
Development / Redefinition of product offering
Short Mayan Nawal Reading
(Optional) Brand name development
Each essence mentorship is truly unique and together we unfold to you hearts essence. To define the path let’s have a connection call and see where we can meet on this beautiful journey.
Exchange for THE ESSENCE mentorship is 755 € excl. BTW.
Payment in two rates possible
“Your heart knows the direction. Run in that direction.”